Friday, November 13, 2009

More Google

多くのツールがGoogle経由で利用可能驚くほど使いやすいです。which translates to "The many tools available through Google are amazingly user friendly". I have used this tool already several times in the library situation and also myself when I was researching an French artist - I needed to know what the title of his works were in English. It is such a quick and easy tool for translations.
Google calendar can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Libraries could make use of this tool to create a central point to assist all staff keep track of meetings, emails and reminders too. Access is via your gmail a/c so it's free and very easy to set up and add to. Book Club groups could also use this feature, combined with Google maps if the meetings of the club were at various locations.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Web Browsers

Where would we be without Web Browsers? They are the software tools we use to connect to the internet. There are many free downloads available out there. Each company's browser offers slightly different (and sometimes radically different with advanced users). These features can save lots of time and frustration so taking the time to get to know your particular browser is well worth the exercies. Google Chrome shows a simple design with technology which makes it much faster than Internet Explorer which I am using at the moment. Security is always an issue and it appears that Firefox offers a very secure browser and their add-ons are amazing. However, Internet Eplorer is the most compatible browser so it is a matter of considering what options you want from your browser and go with that one. It is good to know we have lots of choices.